Rear Camera Shims for Polaris General & Ranger
The originals! These shims are made to improve the nearly worthless stock rear camera angle on the Polaris General and the Polaris Ranger. The stock camera points down at the hitch which is only useful once in a while. The camera is much more useful if you can see what you're about to back INTO not back OVER.
Simply remove the 2 camera bracket screws and put 1 shim on each between the bracket & the body of the General. Put screws back in & tighten. Off you go!
Includes 2 shims.
Standard tracked and insured (up to $100) shipping is FREE!
• Sorry Canadian friends, shipping is kinda pricey but we're just charging the actual cost. We know, ouch.
• Stock mounting screws will no longer sit flush on the bracket but will hold the camera securely.